
Below is a schedule and brief description of recurring events in the Astronomy Department. Prior to research talks, you should receive titles and abstracts via email. Additionally, emails for invited talks will call for one-on-one meetings, and provide opportunities for lunch/dinner with the speaker.  Last updated Apr 2024.

Event (Location) Day/Time Organizer(s) 
DiRAC Lunch (DSS) first Monday (M); 12:30-1:30pm  
Physics Colloquium (Hybrid, A102) M; 3-4pm  
Astro Lunch Talk (Hybrid, B305) Tuesday (T); 12-1pm Yakov Faerman
Colloquium Tea (A102 Lobby) T; 2:30-3pm  
Astrobiology Colloquium (Hybrid, A102) T; 3-4pm Liza Young
DUSC Seminar (C421) T; 3-4pm  
Data Science Seminar (A102) T; 4:30-5:20pm  
DUSC Journal Club (DSS) Wednesday (W); 2:30pm John Franklin Crenshaw
DiRAC Wine & Cheese Social (DOS) W; 4pm Max West
Colloquium Tea (A102 Lobby) Thursday (Th); 3:15pm  
Astronomy Colloquium (Hybrid, A102) Th; 3:30-4:20pm  
Planetarium Show (PL) Friday (F); 10am-2pm
by appointment
Andy Tzanidakis
CAphEINE (Hybrid, C341)  F; 11am-12pm Dino Bektesevic
Solar System Journal Club (Hybrid, DOS) every other F; 11am-12pm Sarah Greenstreet
Astro Pizza Lunch (C341) F; 12:30pm Chester Li
Graduate Seminar (Hybrid, B305) F; 2:30-3:30pm Tom Quinn
Astro Roundup Talks first F; 2:30-3:30pm  
EquiTea (Hybrid, B305)
Tea Time
F; 2:30-3:30pm
M, F ; 2pm
as announced
Bethlee Lindor



  • Astro Lunch Series: given by department visitors for 30 min, followed by lunch with the speaker.
  • Graduate Seminar: also known as "journal club," where grad students present recent papers
  • DUSC Seminar: invited talks which skew towards high-energy topics, gravitational waves, early universe, etc; request to join the mailing list.
  • Data Science Seminar: invited talks on applied data science; request to join the mailing list.
  • DUSC Journal Club: sometimes this is a discussion of papers, but visitors often lead discussions on interesting topics; there are also regular pedagogical tutorials.


  • DiRAC Lunch: all-hands meeting on the first Monday of the month. Team reports, announcements, introductions, and other updates. When in doubt, check the DiRAC Calendar.
  • DiRAC Wine & Cheese Social: snack time, which include various cheeses, baguettes, and (occasionally) wine. 
  • Colloquium Tea: refreshments and cookies prior to the main invited talk.
  • CAphEINE: review of recent astro-ph postings over coffee and doughnuts. Join the "CAphEINE" journal club and vote for papers (requires account on benty-fields).
  • EquiTea: discussion of matters pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion which are not limited to astronomy, with tea and cookies prepared by grad students.
  • Pizza Lunch: meal to encourage socialization among astronomy department members, organized by a grad student.


Physics/Astronomy Auditorium (PAA)

  • A210—A216 (Classrooms)
  • A110—A118 (Lecture Rooms)
  • A102 – Auditorium
  • PL – Planetarium (A220)

Physics/Astronomy Building (PAB)

  • C341 – Conference Room
  • B305 – East Conference Room
  • DOS – DiRAC Open Space (B356)
  • UCL – Undergrad Computer Lab (B360)

Physics/Astronomy Tower (PAT)

  • C520 – Physics Meeting Room
  • C421 – INT Seminar Room
  • ESR – eScience Seminar Room (C607)
  • DSS – WRF Data Science Studio (6th Floor)

Room Request

To request booking a classroom or meeting room, check room reservations.
