Barring university holidays, Astronomy colloquia occur every Thursday at 3:30pm in the Physics and Astronomy Auditorium (A102), with refreshments served at 3:00pm. Speakers are invited to meet with graduate students for a casual dinner afterwards, typically around 5pm. Graduate students may also nominate a colloquium speaker during the Spring quarter.
Winter 2025 Series
Date | Speaker | Title |
January 9th | Malena Rice Yale University |
Insights from the Orbital Architectures of Planetary Systems |
January 23rd | Jacqueline Antwi-Danso (REMOTE) University of Toronto |
Too Big to Be?" Searching or the Most Massive Galaxies in the Distant Universe |
January 30th | Nicole Sanchez Caltech & Carnegie Observatories |
A Marriage of Convenience: How to Combine Theory and Observations in Galaxy Evolution to Expand our Understanding of the Universe. |
February 6th | Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere Northwestern University |
The circumgalatic medium: What is it and how does it affect the evolution of the galaxies |
February 13th | Erini Lambrides NASA-Goddard |
February 20th | David Nesvorny University of Colorado |
A dynamical Model of Near-Earth Objects from a decade of Catalina Sky Survey observations |
February 27th | Andrea Kunder St. Martins |
The Old and Metal-Poor Inner Milky Way Stellar Population |
March 6th | Arpit Arora University of Washington |
Dark Matter in disequilibrium at galactic scales |
March 13th | Sanjana Curtis Berkeley |
Previous colloquia speakers can be viewed on the speaker history spreadsheet.