Barring university holidays, Astronomy colloquia occur every Thursday at 3:30pm in the Physics and Astronomy Auditorium (A102), with refreshments served at 3:20pm. Speakers are invited to meet with graduate students for a casual dinner afterwards, typically around 5pm. Graduate students may also nominate a colloquium speaker during the Spring quarter.
Spring 2024 Series
Date | Speaker | Title |
March 28th | Jennifer Hoffman University of Denver |
Metamorphosis: New views of supernovae and progenitors |
April 4th | Brittany Kamai Society of Indigenous Physicists |
Pacific Indigenous Astrophysics : Voyaging through the Cosmos |
April 11th |
Deborah Lokhorst National Research Council Canada |
April 18th | Henny Lamers University of Amsterdam |
April 25th | Trystyn Berg National Research Council Canada |
May 2nd | Matt Holman Harvard |
May 9th | John Mather NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center |
May 16th | Andrey Kravtsov University of Chicago |
May 23rd | Kareem El-Badry Caltech |
May 30th | TBA | TBA |
Previous colloquia speakers can be viewed on the speaker history spreadsheet.