
Barring university holidays, Astronomy colloquia occur every Thursday at 3:30pm in the Physics and Astronomy Auditorium (A102), with refreshments served at 3:00pm. Speakers are invited to meet with graduate students for a casual dinner afterwards, typically around 5pm. Graduate students may also nominate a colloquium speaker during the Spring quarter. 

Winter 2025 Series

Date Speaker Title
January 9th Malena Rice
Yale University
Insights from the Orbital Architectures of Planetary Systems
January 23rd Jacqueline Antwi-Danso (REMOTE)
University of Toronto
Too Big to Be?" Searching or the Most Massive Galaxies in the Distant Universe
January 30th  Nicole Sanchez
Caltech & Carnegie Observatories
A Marriage of Convenience: How to Combine Theory and Observations in Galaxy Evolution to Expand our Understanding of the Universe.
February 6th Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere
Northwestern University
The circumgalatic medium: What is it and how does it affect the evolution of the galaxies
February 13th  Erini Lambrides

February 20th David Nesvorny
University of Colorado
A dynamical Model of Near-Earth Objects from a decade of Catalina Sky Survey observations
February 27th  Andrea Kunder
St. Martins
The Old and Metal-Poor Inner Milky Way Stellar Population
March 6th Arpit Arora
University of Washington
Dark Matter in disequilibrium at galactic scales
March 13th Sanjana Curtis

Previous colloquia speakers can be viewed on the speaker history spreadsheet.
