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Faculty in Astronomy at the University of Washington are pleased to be eligible to host postdoctoral “51 Pegasi b” fellowships from the Heising-Simons Foundation in planetary science and exoplanetary science, with a special interest in projects associated with astrobiology. Successful applicants to this competitive program receive 3 years of support from the foundation with the ability to apply for a fourth year. More information regarding the fellowship can be found here… Read more
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Beginning next year, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will use the world’s largest digital camera to give us a whole new view of the universe. Mario Jurić, professor of astronomy at the UW, is quoted.Featured on Smithsonian Magazine 
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The 2023-24 Honors Excellence in Teaching Award goes to Dr. Oliver Fraser, assistant teaching professor in the Department of Astronomy. Featured on UW Honors 
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Despite problems with humanity’s use of carbon-based fossil fuels, our whole existence is based on this element’s ability to create rich chemistry. Don Brownlee, professor of astronomy at the UW, is mentioned.Featured on Forbes 
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With the help of Google Cloud, scientists churned through hundreds of thousands of images of the night sky to reveal that the solar system is filled with unseen objects. Željko Ivezić, professor of astronomy at the UW, is quoted. Featured on The New York Times 
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At a recent workshop, researchers and journalists debated how to announce a potential discovery of extraterrestrial life. Victoria Meadows, professor of astronomy at the UW, is quoted.Featured on Scientific American 
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Seattle’s cloudy weather made for an anticlimactic viewing of Monday’s solar eclipse. Still, that didn’t stop dozens of people who flocked to the UW’s Physics-Astronomy Building, hoping for the clouds to lift, so they could catch a glimpse of this once-in-a-generation event. The UW's Oliver Fraser, assistant teaching professor in astronomy, and Giovanni Gollotti, a student, are quoted.… Read more
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Despite the weather conditions, the courtyard of the UW Astronomy Department was busy with people trying to catch a glimpse of the partial eclipse. The Department of Astronomy hosted a viewing event with telescopes and eclipse glasses. The UW's Oliver Fraser, assistant teaching professor in astronomy, and Ruby Heidgerken, a student, are quoted.… Read more
Eclipses past and present arenât just opportunities for incredible sights. Generations of researchers have used them to study phenomena ranging from the sun itself to the fabric of the universe. UW News intervewed Emily Levesque, author and associate professor of astronomy, about what scientists past and present have learned by studying eclipses. Featured on UW News 
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Scientists have completed the construction of the world’s biggest camera after two decades of work for the Rubin Observatory in Chile. Željko Ivezić, professor of astronomy at the UW, is quoted. Featured on The Independent