UW Mobile Planetarium

UW Mobile Planetarium

About the Mobile Planetarium

Our presenters bring their enthusiasm and expertise to schools and other indoor spaces while giving shows that include imagery from the Solar System to the edge of the observable universe. Like the name suggests, the UW Mobile Planetarium is portable, and can be setup in under an hour by a small team of people. When inflated the fabric dome is approximately 10 feet high and 20 foot wide.

Request a Visit

The UW Mobile Planetarium is an all-volunteer operation and receives many more requests than it’s possible to accommodate. We work to schedule shows during the UW academic year, and are typically not available during Summer, or holiday breaks.


Construction Details

The planetarium’s dome is an inflatable Go-Dome. We run Microsoft Research’s World Wide Telescope software on a laptop computer. A large hemispherical mirror projects the image from the back of the dome to create an immersive experience for the audience.

Presenter Resources

Read reference information about mobile planetarium dimensions, equipment checklist, and setup procedure.

The UW Mobile Planetarium in the News

Special Thanks

The UW Mobile Planetarium was made possible through education and public outreach grant EO-12512 from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), which itself is funded primarily through NASA.
